With so much confusion over the state of online gaming, online players should be heading towards OnlinePokerRealMoney.com

Real MoneyEven though Black Friday in the online gaming industry took place in April 2011, many players are still feeling the reverberations, which is impacting on their ability to play the games they love. It stands to reason that many people, even though they should be unaffected by the repercussions of that day, will be concerned about where and where they shouldn’t be playing online poker. There is also the fact that a number of popular sites closed down, leaving many poker players needing to find a site they could rely upon.

Poker players need news and updates

It has been hard for many poker players to find a source of poker news and information that they can rely upon, which is why the online poker real money site is a great introduction to the online gaming community. This is a site that understands the trials and tribulations facing poker players all around the world at the moment and is looking to provide as much as relevant and useful information as they can. There is no doubt that the internet is a wonderful thing with regards to gaming and staying in touch with friends but sometimes it can provide wrong or misleading to people.

This makes it even more important to find a source of news and information that can be relied upon and this is exactly where this site comes in. American based players need to know where they can play online poker without fear of having accounts shut down without any prior warning. Poker may be a fun activity for many people but there are many online poker players whose livelihood depends on the game. This caused a great number of US based poker players to flee the country looking for somewhere they could safely and legally play but many others stayed behind.

Poker players around the world suffered

However, don’t think that it was only US based poker players that suffered in the shake-down following Black Friday. A lot of poker players around the world suffered inconvenience or missing out on a good payday because of the decision made by federal agents in the United States. It is not as the repercussions were on the minds of the professionals who decided to shut down so many online gaming sites but people have been affected. Knowing what online poker sites are perfectly legal and free of any major concerns or worries will be of great interest to many online poker players.

The thing is though, as important as legal information is to poker players, it isn’t the only criteria for players to worry about. It should be at the top of the list but a player also needs information about the amount of games and tournaments on offer, the welcome bonuses provided to players and the on-going bonuses that are provided for members. There are all hugely important aspects for a player to think about when deciding on a new site and this is what the online poker real money site aims to provide to players.


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